Present Your Words as a Gift

“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness, to the soul and health to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24

When doing marriage seminars, we typically give a sheet of paper for each person to fill out at one of the sessions, asking them to list five things they most appreciate about their spouse. Then they are supposed to give this list to their spouse. Numerous times, we have had women in particular tell us afterward that when they read their husband’s list about them they cried. These women expressed how they had never heard their husband say these things before, and seeing them in writing brought them to tears. It seems couples often think the other one “just knows” they are appreciated. However, how can they know unless they are told?

Just think how powerful and impacting it would be on every marriage if spouses, parents, and children verbalized the things they appreciate about each other on a daily basis. We believe this alone would drop the divorce rates drastically and cause children to do better in school! People have a need to feel significant and do something significant. Interestingly, the more valued someone feels, the more likely they are to accomplish great things.

Our words have great power to set the course of direction for those under our sphere of influence. Often without realizing it, we are making a choice each day to speak words that heal or words that hurt. When we speak pleasantly to those around us, it literally brings health to their body! Have you ever noticed people will often gravitate toward someone who makes them feel good about themselves? Why? Good words refresh the human spirit. When we hear kind words spoken over us it actually empowers us to live a healthy, prosperous life. Similarly, when we speak words of praise and thankfulness to God and others, we are veered away from defeat and propelled towards victory. 

There was a study done on women who left their husband before no-fault divorce laws. It showed the top reason wives walked away from their marriage was that they felt unappreciated. If the same study had been done on men, I’m sure the results would have been similar, because everyone needs to feel valued. Mary Kay Ash used to say, make people feel like they are wearing a sign that says, “Make me feel important!”

Throughout the month of June we encourage you to present your words as a gift to those around you! We are sure it will produce good fruit in your relationships and we can’t wait to hear your testimonies! 

With love, Pastors Shaun & Amy

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A Higher Standard

A phrase often used in business circles is “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” This saying characterizes the day in which we live. It seems everything is about speed. How fast can we get it done? How fast can we get there? How fast can this machine run? Fast is great! But when it comes to great leaders, God is not looking for someone who will just focus on getting the job done fast. He is looking for people who will get the job done with excellence. 

God set high standards on leadership positions in His church. Why? Because He wants believers to have excellent role models in order to become the best leaders in the world. He knows that what is in the head will flow into the body, and He wants His body taking dominion here on the earth! 

In the day we live, books on leadership in the workplace abound. People have learned how to achieve promotion, how to lead their companies, and how to make it to the top of their profession. Yet at the same time of great leaders abounding in the earth, we have seen marriages fail and families fall apart at alarming rates! What is the answer to this dilemma? We believe the answer begins with a study of leadership in the home. According to 1 Timothy 3:5, striving to achieve a leadership position before it has been achieved in the home, is like the old adage of putting the cart before the horse. God knows that whether in the ministry or the workplace, the joys of success achieved are much greater when a person has a peaceful environment to come home to and enjoy the fruit of their labor. 

Architects tell us that the taller they plan to build a building the deeper they plan and place the foundation footings under the ground in order to support the building to keep it from tipping over. This is a perfect illustration of why God desires that believers have strong marriages and families. He knows that the deeper a marriage and family is rooted in God’s love and unity, the higher that family can build and the more dominion they can take in the earth to achieve greatness for God.

We believe in you! 

Shaun & Amy

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His Workmanship

Why did God make you? Did He have something in mind specifically that you are supposed to do with your life? Yes! We know from Psalm 139:14 that as He gave life to each child in the womb, He put seeds of greatness into each one. The Psalmist says to the Lord, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” God calls you marvelous! 
You are the workmanship of God. You may be looking at your flaws and failures, but God is looking at the gold He placed inside you. You have a pre-ordained, call of God on your life. 
You were made for a divine destiny, an eternal purpose. Your life has great value to God and people. You were created beautifully by God, to be an expression of His goodness and love to others in some way. 
Before you had ever lived a day of your life yet, God saw you being formed in the womb and He pre-wrote a book about the good things He wanted to do in and through you to fashion your calling from Him. He placed gifts inside you to guide and encourage you to success in achieving that calling. 
“My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” Psalm 139:15-16
Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
We simply wrote this today to remind you that you are special to God. He has a plan for your life. If you want to know more of what that beautiful plan is, take time to pray over it and listen to His direction. 
He typically doesn’t tell us everything about His plan for us at once, because it may seem overwhelming. Instead, as we pray and pursue Him, He gives us bits and pieces as we are ready for them. He tells us what step to take now and gives us glimpses in our heart of the future. As He guides you along the path of His plan for your life, remember to stay consistent with the 3 P’s: pray, prepare, and pursue what He shows you to do! 
God bless you in all you put your hands to! 
Pastors Shaun & Amy

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Live Intentionally

As we approach March, Pastor Shaun and I have been having many conversations about being more intentional with a few things and simplifying the other things in our life. Often times we as people get so busy with many things that we forget about the main things that will move us forward into the future God has for us. It is good to stop and evaluate at the end of each week how our time was spent or invested. Were we fruitful in reaching the goals God has for us or just busy this week?

I read a story recently about a man and his family who went to live short term in Fiji in order to study family strengths and challenges on a Fulbright scholarship. He said one of the things they noticed about the people of Fiji, is that as a culture, they place high value on kindness, respect, caring, sharing, happiness, not clouding the day with worry, and security. He said the interesting thing about Fiji people, is they frequently go to each other’s homes to visit, but when they do, it is not stressful. 

Nothing is expected of the people whose home you show up at, but to simply enjoy each other’s company. You don’t have to entertain, cook or think of things to talk about. Most often, they sit out on the porch and just look at the sky and birds. They may say a bit, or ask each other some questions about their life, but overall, they just smile and enjoy one another’s presence. 

The man doing the study said that even though there was somewhat of a language barrier with the friends he developed, he always felt so good after being with them. Why? I believe it was that when people focus on simply being with one another in a spirit of love, it causes people to feel good about themselves and each other.

How does this story relate you? I would encourage you to think about the five to seven top things you want to accomplish this year in your spiritual walk, close relationships, your career calling, your health, and your finances. Write them down and start being intentional about them. In order to meet your goals, you will most likely need to simplify or end some of the other things in your life that are stealing time and energy from you achieving your top goals. 

Do you need to let go of a time-consuming hobby in order to be successful in your parenting goal? Do you need to sell something to lower monthly payments in order to achieve your giving goal? Do you need to stop hanging around co-workers that insult their spouse and set a daily reminder on your phone to compliment your wife or appreciate your husband? Do you need to get to bed 30 minutes earlier and get up 30 minutes earlier to achieve your morning spiritual goals?

Once you take time to think about what needs to be simplified in order to be more intentional about your goals, then move your life in this direction, you will find you have more joy than ever before! God is a God of order and He doesn’t want us to overload our systems. He desires that we be focused, intentional, and yet simple in how we approach life.

May your March be a joyous and refreshing month of spring cleaning in your life, home and schedule, moving you closer and closer to the fruitful future God has for you! May you have a “Fiji” kind of month and relationships that bring peace, hope, joy, security, energy, kindness, and caring to you and others! 

-Shaun & Amy 

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A Letter From Christian Guys

Too many things are left unsaid, like “I love you” or “please & thank you” or even the occasional redirection to a child when their outfits are a bit too revealing. The fact is, our society and culture tends to gravitate towards showing as little to NO regard for moral or ethical standards especially when it comes to modest dress wear. We can’t stay silent! In fact, much of this discovered blog reviews the indecent skin exposure many of our youth find tasteful yet without understanding the struggles many are tempted with. Parents, please take a moment to read this blog and share with your children. 

Girls, could we talk to you right out of our hearts for a few minutes?
It is awkward for us to talk about something of this nature, in person,
so we thought we would write our feelings.

We are young men who have been saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
We desperately want to live for Christ and not follow the ways of the
world. Since we have been baptized (immersed) in a “Holy” Spirit, we
feel in our hearts that we should live “holy” lives. After all, our
bodies are the temple, the sanctuary, the place where the “Holy” Spirit
lives and makes His home. We know that guys and girls are affected differently, so since we desperately want to follow hard after God, could we kindly and respectfully ask you to help us with a few things? 

We realize that girls are primarily stimulated or turned on by “touch.” Did you know that guys are turned on by “sight?” So when you are “aroused” (sexually awakened) by a guy’s “touch,” we are in the same way aroused by mere “sight.” Let us explain. When we see girls who are dressed in a suggestive, revealing, provocative, teasing, tantalizing manner, our sexual desires are aroused. Our bodies are then affected. To be absolutely candid, let us give you some examples of what we are referring to. If you are wearing a blouse that barely meets the waist of your slacks and some of your skin shows while you are moving around, or simply while you are walking, sitting, or kneeling, our minds are geared to wonder what more of your body would look like….This causes our bodies to respond biologically, and suddenly we are fighting a war in our minds and bodies. And that war of lust is continuing often long, even hours, after you are gone. We hate this, because our “righteous man” wants to think pure thoughts….When you wear low-cut tops which are in any degree revealing, this causes us big problems in the flesh. Or if the back is out of your top, we automatically think that you do not have the undergarment on, and the Spirit and the flesh begin to fight again. Or when we see any glimpse of your undergarments, such as straps and the like, trouble makes an attempt to sneak in. What we are trying to say is this: If it is not for sale, don’t advertise it. We really feel that the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaks to you and nudges you when it is too tight, too short,
too low, or too revealing. Will you listen to that voice? For the
Scripture says, “Quench not the Spirit.” (1 Thess. 5:19)

Girls, do you know what we would really like? We would like to come
among our Christian sisters and not have to fight and struggle in the
flesh. We do not need to have to wrestle in the flesh at church or at
church activities. We men, whether young, old, single or married, are
faced with this every day among girls of the “world.” But we would like
to have rest in our Spirit man when we come among Christian girls.
After all, doesn’t the Scripture tell us to “come out from among the
world and be you separate, saith the Lord.” (2 Cor. 6:17) It also tells
us that “all that is in the world, the lust of the eye, and the lust of
the flesh, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” (1 John 2:15) We
are the church, not the world. We know that people often use the verse, “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart,” (1 Sam. 16:7) to condone anything they wish to wear. This is one of the most misused/used out-of-context verses in the Bible. Conversely, the fact is, if your heart is pure, your outward appearance will be modest….
Girls can be fashionable and modest at the same time. To be honest, we
respect you more when your appearance is modest, as the Scripture
commands in 1 Timothy 2:9. We really do not want the kind of girl who
dresses provocatively, for we know that if we marry her, she will still
be that way in the presence of other men once we are married.
We know that we have Christian responsibilites toward girls, too. We
must be careful to portray ourselves properly. We must treat you like
ladies. If we are really committed Christian guys, we will strive to
treat you like Jesus would. After all, you are daughters of God.
Thank you, dear Christian sisters, for hearing our hearts on this
subject. Once we have conveyed the truth of the matter to you, you
become responsible before God for what you do with the truth. We really
are “our brother’s keeper.” (Genesis 4:9.) We know that there is a
“cult of conformity” in our generation, but we as Christians “march to
the beat of a different drummer.” Please, girls, do not say, “I don’t
care,” but help us in these last days to live as close to Jesus as we
can. Thank you so much.


Committed Christian Guys

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