“August 20th marked our 1 year anniversary at High Point church!

I can still remember the 1st day we came and Pastor Shaun ended the service by stating “ it takes attending 3 Sundays to get the true heartbeat of a church” so he invited all visitors to come back at least 2 more times. On the drive home that day, my husband and I decided we would come back for 2 more Sundays before making a decision about High Point Church. At the end of our 3rd Sunday, Pastor Shaun asked for 1 year at High Point Church and he promised it would change our life “in ways we could not even imagine”. So on that car ride home from church my husband and I agreed to 1 year at High Point.
For me this was a huge step, as I had not been attending church for the past 4 years. My husband grew up in the church and was thrilled I was willing to regularly attend church with him. Week by week, I was learning and growing deeper in my understanding of God. God’s love was so palpable as soon as I walked in the door each Sunday. He began to break down walls and chains that I didn’t think could be broken. I started to look forward to each Sunday; an unquenchable thirst for God was developing. Soon Sunday’s weren’t enough; I needed to be there every Wednesday too! If we were going to do this year with High Point, then I wanted to do it 100%.
We committed to following everything Pastors challenged the congregation with. Pastor Shaun asked for additional volunteers as they planned to roll out a 3rd service, so my husband and I began serving in Kids Club! Pastor Amy stressed the importance of praying over and with your kids, so my husband and I committed to praying with our children every night before bed. Both Pastors commented on the power of married couples praying together on a daily basis, so my husband and I have been praying together ever since! Pastor Shaun mentioned the power of praying in the Spirit, so I raised my hand for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and have made praying in the Spirit part of my nightly routine!
EVERYTHING about my life has changed!
Our goals and dreams for 2018 that Pastors prayed over in agreement back in January, have ALL been achieved! I am completely overwhelmed by God’s provision, protection and love. I thank God every day for High Point Church and ALL the staff that have been integral in my spiritual transformation.
I know my future days will be even better ! I know God loves me and will direct my path, which will include High Point!

I’m at a loss when trying to express how gratitude I am for High Point!
From the depths of my heart and soul, thank you!”
-Anonymous, August 2018