Say Hello to the Future

“I think I have a problem with self-sabotage.” As I spoke with this precious woman, she went on to share how her life had finally started improving greatly. She was used to men who didn’t treat her very well, and she was used to not really feeling close to anyone. It was a lonely road that she knew in her heart she didn’t want anymore. She had finally met a man with great potential for the future who didn’t treat her like any of the other men from her past. Everything was looking up, but she just wasn’t content. She wasn’t used to things going well in her life, and when it actually happened, she felt uncomfortable with it. Before long, she chose to walk away from the great guy for someone who treated her poorly again.
The story above isn’t just one person‘s. It’s the story of many. I’ve sat down with ladies who tell me, “I really want a man who treats me right.” I’ve also heard men say, “I really want to settle down and have a family.” The challenge is, once opportunity knocks on their door, some of them run from it. Why? Are they afraid of failing the other person? Maybe they think they aren’t deserving of a great relationship. Maybe they fear they won’t measure up to make the other person happy. Or could it be, maybe they are afraid of success? Maybe they are afraid of the daily habits and work that success takes to maintain, and they don’t know if they want that kind of commitment in life.

I’m sure it depends on the person. Everyone’s story is different. One thing is certain, thoughmany people are afraid of the future, probably because it holds so many unknowns! So the real mystery to solve is this: how can we embrace our future without fear? How can we say hello to what God has for us, even when it is unknown, rather than retreating to the comfort of what is familiar in our lives? 

Think of Sarah (originally Sarai) in the Bible. She was told by her husband that God wanted them to move to an unknown land, away from their family. I’m sure that wasn’t a cakewalk. They had no cellphones, social media, or quick means of travel. Back then, if someone moved away from family, they usually never saw or spoke to them again. Can you imagine the thoughts going through her head? But she did it! She and Abraham became spiritual parents in the faith to us, and they will always be honored throughout eternity for the courage they displayed here on earth to pave the way for the rest of us.
Think of Ruth. After her husband passed, she felt in her heart that she should go with her mother-in-law to a foreign land and take care of her. That’s a bold step! Yet she did it. She trusted God, honored her elders. Look how well things turned out for her. She met a loving man who was even wealthy. God blessed her so much that she even became part of the lineage of Jesus.
Think of Joseph. Although he was born into a family of rude, abusive brothers who sold him into slavery, Joseph kept saying hello to the future. He clearly decided in life that he was going to serve God no matter where he was (remove “at), whether as a servant or as an inmate. No matter what life threw at him, he chose to daily be the best person he could possibly be. He was definitely a taking lemons and making lemonade kind of guy. 
Think of Esther. She went from being an orphan child (remove “and teenager” to being taken into the kings palace, knowing that if she didn’t get the one and only position as queen, she was destined to a life of loneliness with all the other ladies who were “wives” of the king. That had to be a mental and emotional challenge! (remove “to get over) Think of how inadequate and unprepared she must have felt. As far as we know, she hadn’t been trained to be royalty throughout her childhood, yet she embraced the training they gave her in the palace with grace and dignity. The Bible tells us Esther found favor in the sight of key people. She chose to,despite the misfortunes of her past, (remove “she was going to) give the future her best.
Isn’t that really what God wants for each one of us? As a loving Father, He wants to help each of us become the best “me” we can be. The challenge is that we have to believe in the ability God has placed in each one of us, and we have to believe in His power working in and through us.
Can we really become version of us, full of wisdom, grace and powerthat God originally created us to be before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden? God would tell you an emphatic YES! Don’t be afraid of the future! Yes, there are things we all have to overcome, but it is worth it. We really have two choices in life: move backward or move forward. You may think, “Well I don’t want to do either. I want to stay comfortable right where I am. The truth is, however, that the world is always moving forward (remove “and taking advancements), so if we stand still, we are still technically moving backwards.
We can either stay comfortable in what we are used to, which may be seeking out people who treat us with dishonor and disrespect, or we can retrain our minds to expect and display love and honor in the future. I would encourage you to take time each morning and night to visualize people being kind and honoring toward you (and you to them) so that it becomes normal for you. You may need to pray over and continually visualize what a healthy life and healthy relationships look like for you.
Saying hello to the future God has for us really boils down to this: Are we willing to choose and prepare ourself for wisdom in our future? Proverbs 26:11 tells us,“As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” This verse is describing someone who doesn’t want to embrace God’s future for them! Instead, they keep reverting back to their old ways.
What about you? What are you going to choose today? Psalm 4:18 says, “The path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.” Psalm 24:14 TLB says, “My son, honey whets the appetite and so does wisdom! When you enjoy becoming wise, there is hope for you! A bright future lies ahead!” Becoming wise is a choice we make daily — to listen to and read the right teachings about God’s love, people skills, faith, finances, leadership, and most important, to study the Bible! 
God is standing on your side, encouraging you, “My child, choose life! Choose wisdom! Choose to say hello to the good future I have for you!”       

There is a famous poem that says:

Doubt sees the obstacles

Faith sees the way.

Doubt sees the darkest night

Faith sees the day.

Doubt dreads to take a step

Faith soars on high.

Doubt questions “who believes?’

Faith answers “I.”

-Love, Pastors Shaun & Amy
