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The Word of God is final authority in determining all truths, written by human authors under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Because God inspires it, it is the truth without error.

2 Peter 1:20-21; Romans 16:25-26



God is the Creator, One God, eternally existent in three co-equal persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Genesis 1:26-27; Psalms 90:2; Matthew 28:19



Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin. On earth, He was all God and all man. Dying sinless on the cross, He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. After three days, Jesus arose from the grave to demonstrate power over sin and death. After His resurrection, He ascended to Heaven and will return again someday and reign as King.

Matthew 1:22-23; John 1:1-5; 1:14; 14:10-31; 1 Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6



Sent by Jesus after His Ascension, the Holy Spirit is the promise of the Father, given at Pentecost and still with us today to empower the Church to preach the Gospel throughout the whole earth.

Joel 2:28-29; Matthew 3:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 1:5; 2:1-4, 17, 38-39, 8:14-17; 10:38, 44-47, 11:15-17, 19:1-6



Originally made in the image of God, to be like Him in character. All have been born with a sin nature that separates us from God until we receive Christ

Genesis 1:27; Psalms 8:3-6; Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:1-2



The only way to salvation is through the forgiveness of sins, paid for in full through the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross. When we accept through faith that Jesus’ death and resurrection satisfies our need for forgiveness, we experience salvation. Through His shed blood, not through our own works, we are saved.

Isaiah 1:18; 53:5-6; 55:7; Matthew 1:21; 27:22-66, 28:1-6; Luke 1:68-69; 2:28-32; John 1:12; 3:16, 36; 5:24; Acts 2:21; 4:12; 16:30-31; Romans 1:16-18; 3:23-25; 5:8-10; 6; 1 Corinthians 1:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20; Galatians 2:20; 3:13; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:12-13; Hebrews 9:24-28; Revelation 3:20



All people will either exist eternally separated from God by sin in Hell or eternally with God through forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ in Heaven.

Matthew 25:34 & 41; John 3:16; Romans 6:23; 8:17-18; 2 Corinthians 5:1; Ephesians 2:5-8; Revelation 20:15